Friday, January 15, 2010


Do you ever feel a bitter, empty, gut check feeling that will not stop burning in your heart until you get on your face and cry out for forgiveness?

Its a terrible yet somewhat awesome thing. Its the conviction and resistance of the Holy Spirit against sin in your life. The Holy Spirit in you hates sin. Especially, the hidden sins of the heart and mind, and when you die to yourself and allow the Spirit into your life, you will quickly find that you do not just die once to your flesh, you must die continuously. These moments hurt, but they are some of the best moments of our growth. The Holy Spirit knows what is best for us and will cause such spiritual strife in your life that it almost forces us to repentance. If you are true christian, while it may terrify you, pray that the Lord may continually convict you, burn in you, batter your heart, and transform you. Create in me a clean heart, O God

Prophetic message that needs to be preached even more so 50 years laters:
A. W. Tozer - Accepting Christ:

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